isotipo de TecnoEdu
Equipamiento Educativo, Audiovisual... ¡y mucho más!
Manual: Teacher Resource Module, Programming and Robotics EP-6485
  • Compatible con el módulo de hardware ErgoBot with ErgoBoard Robotics EP-6473
  • A complete guide to lessons and projects designed for use with the ErgoBot and ErgoBoard Robotics
  • Also, contains student assignments as well as lesson plans, presentations, simulations and more
  • Programming is one of the most valuable skills in the job market today and robotics is the cutting edge of technology. The ErgoBot Programming & Robotics system is a unique combination of hardware and software that makes it easier than ever before to get your students excited, engaged and successful with both.
  • This unique module offers lessons and projects covering introductory and intermediate programming, robotics, sensors, code development, variables, loops, logic structures, autonomous operation, design, engineering, optimization and performance testing.
  • Hardware and software work together to make the easiest most engaging programming course ever created.
  • No assembly required
    • Works with Windows®, Mac® OS X, iPad®, ChromebookTM, and smartphones
    • Wireless Bluetooth® communication
    • Practical for every classroom
  • 23 projects start from novice level
    • Project 1 - Getting started
    • Project 2 - Communicating with robots
    • Project 3 - Driverless car challenge
    • Project 4 - Programming the ErgoBot
    • Project 5 - Optimizing solutions
    • Project 6 - Programming loops
    • Project 7 - Variables and nested loops
    • Project 8 - Two-robot competition
    • Project 9 - Programming with the ErgoBoard™
    • Project 10 - Navigating with the ErgoBoard™
    • Project 11 - Lights, sound, action!
    • Project 12 - Using sensors
    • Project 13 - Distance sensing with IR light
    • Project 14 - Displaying sensor readings
    • Project 15 - The shadow bot
    • Project 16 - Navigating with the distance sensor
    • Project 17 - Cliff sensing with IR light
    • Project 18 - Loops and functions
    • Project 19 - Line following
    • Project 20 - Using memory
    • Project 21 - The electric car challenge
    • Project 22 - Obstacle course competition
    • Project 23 - Going further